Shimmy Shimmy~

I don’t remember when I last posted, but I’m posting today about a subject that is argued greatly in the fibro world. I know the heat in this argument because I’ve been on both sides of it. Exercise! 

When my son announced his engagement, I had two goals 1.) to be alive for his wedding! 2.) to dance with him at his wedding! 

See a few months ago I was walking with a cane, sometimes even wheel chair rolling. 

I was one of those with the extreme “I cannot do it” opinion of exercise! Seriously, I could barely get out of bed much less exercise. They were crazy for even thinking I could exercise!!! 

So I started belly dancing, I had always wanted to do that so now was the perfect time. I started slow! It hurt sooo bad! Some days I would make it 10,20, or all 30 minutes of the routine, some days I didn’t even turn the tv on but I kept trying! And damn it hurt, every minute, every time. Do you know what I realized? 

I am going to hurt crazy bad rather I am in bed or trying to shimmy. So I kept trying to shimmy! Because on the days I can dance, I can dance! And that feeling is amazing! 

So to you I say, try, try even when it hurts, try! 

💜 By the way, my legs cooperated as he walked me to my seat! 💜

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